
Marni Goldman is the founder and CEO of Fabulously Flawed Inc., as well as a mother, empowerment coach, podcast co-host of “Fabulously Flawedd” and the author of “True to Myself: Peace, Love Marni.” She strives to end the stigma surrounding mental illness with her words of Marnivational wisdom.

I am a human testament to human resilience. Inspirational, motivating, strength, sparkle, survival.

About Us

My life circumstances are jaw dropping and unimaginable.

True To Myself: Peace, Love, Marni

Born and raised in Miami, Florida, Marni Goldman has lived a life. The daughter of a single, glamorous but drug-addicted mother, Marni married the first time for money (as she’d been instructed to do by her family) and the second time for love. She went on to use her “mama’s gut – a badass gut” to raise her daughter and her son (who has a rare genetic disorder), all the while grappling with her own depression, ADHD, childhood PTSD, and anxiety – not to mention a leukemia diagnosis.

Certified Life Coach Marni has the honor of her book being displayed and sold at the National Institute Of Health bookstore.

Not only have I survived a lifetime of trauma, diagnosed with a host of disorders, a survivor living with my disorders, and I am able to share what I do to survive.

Many people can preach it; I have lived a life filled with just as dramatic trauma (TraumaDrama). My life story sounds fiction…Just when you think you’ve heard it all…

Book Reviews

Beautifully Moving and Inspirational

It’s rare for a book to stick with me well after I’ve read it, but this one did. Marni Goldman’s memoir—which is so moving that I would classify it as inspirational/self-help—is not to be missed. Like many of us, Marni went through what seemed like the perfect storm of trials: a childhood filled with pain and substance abuse, a divorce, depression and anxiety, a child with a genetic disorder…so many things that could have made her feel like a victim. I was inspired by her story of becoming true to herself, to move from wondering why bad things happened to her to a place in which she not only overcomes the trials of her own life but helps others improve their lives—and to find meaning and value in the struggles. I highly recommend reading “True to Myself.

Patrick Barb

A Fresh Voice Recounts Overcoming Adversity “This unflinching, no-holds-barred portrait of a life touched by drug abuse, mental illness, and abuse never wallows in despair. Instead, Marni’s optimism and positive POV shines through even as she recounts the most harrowing events from childhood to her teenage years to the present day. By breaking down these events into digestible chunks and pairing them with questions for readers to consider, she helps make her life a universal, learning experience. When we learn how others overcame difficulties, we can make our own paths out of darkness.

Ryan McCormick

What A Ride “I loved this book. The world literally passed out with exhaustion from throwing every possible thing it could throw at Marni Goldman and yet, she still remained standing. Marni’s life story is pretty darn fascinating and I thought this was an excellent read.”


Impacts of Generational Trauma

Being Disconnected Can Hurt Teen Self-Esteem

Mental Wellness | Marni Goldman | DailyFlash

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